Robot Coupe BLIXER4 Commercial Blender/Mixer, Food Processor
⍰ Contact us to confirm availability @ 408-673-9999 or sales@celebratefestivalinc.com
⍰ For Pricing - contact us @ 408-673-9999 or sales@celebratefestivalinc.com
Efficient :
With their large capacity and leak proof lid, with built in scraper, these models make it simple to prepare all types of mixed and liquidized food, even for tube feeding.
Reliable :
A safety device fitted to the lid prevents access to moving blades and an integral motor braking device ensures operator safety.
The Products Plus:
Perfect sanitation :
Any parts which come into contact with food can be easily removed and cleaned, in compliance with the strictest sanitation standards (NSF).
Number of covers:
10 to 100
Hospitals, Nursing Homes, CrÁ¨ches, Restaurants